Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Slides for Presentation

So after the feedback from the class I've decided to keep my presentation very short. I have minimized the information I will share. Dr. Burton recommended that we share very brief ideas and various movies to inspire further discussion. The topics will come up naturally through discussion, so we do not need to worry about bringing up every subject before the actual discussion. We should make this fireside more discussion based instead of turning it into a lecture. Here is how my presentation will go:

After Allie has presented on digital literacy, I will acknowledge that this information might all be very overwhelming or frustrating. Using this slide I will lead into a quick brief discussion about how nothing is constant as change.

In my childhood my parents refused to succumb to the overuse of TV and video games in our home. We didn't have a TV big enough to watch anything on it until I was eight. Our television had about a 12 inch screen. But, my dad has worked with computers all of his life. Before we upgraded our TV we had five computers in my house. And we quickly integrated the internet use into our home. I can't believe how much technology has changed since then. It can be overwhelming and stressful. But with the proper use, digital media can be used to bless our lives and the lives of our family members.

I will read this quote from President Monson's talk Finding Joy in the Journey from the October 2008 conference. This next slide will link to a video about the sisters four. I will connect this to the quote above by explaining that we can find joy in the journey with our families through digital media. Even though the constant change of our digital world can be overwhelming we don't need to stress about it. We don't have to use every new piece of technology. And we have to realize that every family is different. My parents chose to not use video game and television in our home, while we used a lot of computers and internet. We just recently updated to smart phones, but we got along just fine without them. Figure out what works best for your family.

This presentation will obviously have to change if we end up creating a YouTube playlist instead of a fireside.

To inspire discussion and further questions about my subject, we can ask:
-How does your family use digital media to connect?
-What concerns do you have about the rapid change of technology?
-How do you deal with the rapid change of technology?
-What are some ways that current technology has helped you find joy?

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