Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Church Magazines

So my task for this Thursday was to look up our topic in all of the past articles of the church magazines. I found a lot of information! Which we all expected. This topic has already been heavily researched and talked about in the church magazines. This last February all of the magazines really focused on the ways we can positively use digital media to help our society. There were lists in each magazine about how families can improve internet use and make it effective in multiple ways. A lot of the articles I did find were talking about the dangers of the internet and the restrictions that should be used. Since our focus is more on the connectivity that comes from using the internet as a family, I tried to stay away from those. 

There are obviously many more articles, but these are the most current and relevant articles I found:

            Jan Pinborough ~ February 2012 Ensign

            February 2012 New Era

            April 2012 Friend
            David A. Bednar ~ June 2010 Liahona
            Thomas S. Monson ~ November 2007 Liahona

            Dieter F. Uchtdorf ~ May 2008 Liahona

  M. Russell Ballard ~ July 2008 Ensign

These will all be very useful resources for our webinar!

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